January 2015
- A Perfect Match
- Quality over Quantity
By Dona Davis - Noah's Song: A Vermont Collaboration
by Denise Brown
The North Star Monthly is a community magazine, specializing in human interest and historical articles from the Northeast Kingdom and beyond. The magazine is by Northstar Publishing LLC from its offices in Danville, VT. For more information, click here.
North Star Publishing, LLC
29 Hill St ~ PO Box 319
Danville, VT 05828-0319
Partial funding for development of this website made possible by a Rural Business Enterprise Grant through the Northern Community Investment Corporation from USDA Rural Development.
29 Hill St ~ PO Box 319
Danville, VT 05828-0319
Partial funding for development of this website made possible by a Rural Business Enterprise Grant through the Northern Community Investment Corporation from USDA Rural Development.