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The North Star Monthly
A community magazine that's good for the whole month. The North Star was first established in 1807 before a fire in the 1880s ripped through the Danville village and destroyed many of the buildings. A century later, the North Star was re-established as a monthly community magazine, and its pages were devoted to the reinforcement of the value of community by publishing stories from a wide range of interests and writers.
The North Star Monthly has been honored by the Vermont Press Association with awards for feature writing and photography. Each issue is committed to the people, places and institutions that for many of us make small towns home. Feature stories and human interest articles describe the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont and often reach beyond into northern New Hampshire and the rest of Vermont.
Kingdom Guide
A one-of-a-kind, one-stop resource for 47 communities in the Northeast Kingdom. The guide includes complete historical information and statistical data for towns, local and state government, the arts, schools and education, employment and industry, state forests, museums and historical sites, clubs and organizations, human services, hospitals, places of worship and much more!
25,000 total copies distributed, including 12,500 copies throughout the year at local drop points, such as real estate offices, local businesses, information areas, town offices and chambers of commerce. 10,000 copies are distributed through Welcome Centers. 2,500 copies are inserted into the May issue of the North Star.
Living Healthy
This full-color glossy magazine features articles and advertisements from a broad spectrum of local businesses dedicated to providing the local community with health-related goods and services. Living Healthy has a shelf life of 12 months. With an initial press run of 10,000 copies and assuming three readers will amount to a readership of 30,000 per issue.
Click here for Living Healthy Advertising Info and Rates
The North Star Monthly is a community magazine, specializing in human interest and historical articles from the Northeast Kingdom and beyond. The magazine is by Northstar Publishing LLC from its offices in Danville, VT. For more information, click here.
29 Hill St ~ PO Box 319
Danville, VT 05828-0319
Partial funding for development of this website made possible by a Rural Business Enterprise Grant through the Northern Community Investment Corporation from USDA Rural Development.